+34 667 784 682

Real experiences

Dreams fulfilled

Good morning
Although it is still early because we are 5 weeks away, we wanted to thank you for the great team of professionals who have nurses, assistants, doctors and for making us feel so good in your clinic.

Good afternoon
We wanted to thank the entire Cefer team for the effort and care you have put into making our dream possible. Today in our visit the emotion of knowing and verifying that everything is fine has not allowed us to spend the necessary time to thank you as we should and even if it is through this means we wanted to emphasize how easy and humane you have done it
Thank you all for the effort and dedication to make it possible for people with our difficulties to fulfill their dreams
Thank you to your secretaries for responding to us with such speed and understanding, to Dr. Molfino who was the one who made us decide on this clinic and believe in egg donation, also to Natalia, the biologist, who gave us an incredible explanation as well as being the driving force behind all this 🙂, to Dr. Egozcue for all her help and her sincere happiness with our future project and a very special thank you to Dr. Redondo who has put up with a smile in everything we have needed in addition to being with us at all times from the beginning to the end.
We will be in contact and we will come to see you and n 9 months 😉😍

Hello good morning, we are excited to share with you, especially with Dr. Redondo, the growth of our future son IVÁN. We are already on week 22!! Everything is going great 🙂 😍
Thank you very much again for all the attention received and the good treatment you had with us at all times. We are very grateful. In the future we will not hesitate to come to you.
Greetings and hugs!!
Jóse and Sonia.

Many congratulations Sonia 😊))We are very happy. How are you?
Come see us to introduce us to Iván whenever you want 😊
A hug,

Good afternoon, 😅 well, I'm really feeling well, I'm having a good pregnancy I didn't get sick for the first few months (some craving, yes hehehe) and the truth is that I feel fine, what I notice is tiredness and now my feet are starting to swell... but hey, I imagine the change of time, so much heat hit affected too. So we are very happy 🙂Of course we have a place when Iván is born we will present him to you!! 😄
Thanks again!! A hug.
Jóse and Sonia

I'm Ana and I'm 8 months old...My family and I wanted to thank you for all the support and help received, which made my arrival possible.
It took us a while, but I have to my very busy moms behind me all the time...
A big hug to Dr. Jové and the whole team

Hello everyone,
I am writing to introduce you to Marc and thank you a thousand times for the work you do. We have been, without a doubt, the happiest in the world for a few months now, and we owe you a good part of it.
Marc was very premature (24 weeks!) but he is already fully fit and at home. I couldn't find the words to express my gratitude to you.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart,

Att. Dr. Molfino Two years ago, we underwent IVF treatment, thanks to the dedication, attention and good work of Dr. Molfino and the team, we now have our little miracle with us, her name is Emma and she is already 16 months old, she is the best of our lives.
Thank you, thank you and thank you for making it possible.

Hola a todas,
Nací en Barcelona hace unos cuantos años. Tuve una infancia feliz a pesar de tener una discapacidad visual. Pasaron los años y me hice mujer y mientras la vida pasaba, me enamoraba, me sacaba mi carrera, viajaba de aquí para allá... en fin, hacía todo aquello que deseaba. Vivía en casa de mis padres, lo tenía todo, estaba, como se diría, como una Reina. Los años iban pasando y cuando tenía 32 años, un día, sin querer, ofendí a mi familia puesto que les dije: "Os quiero mucho pero, si no soy madre, jamás podré ser feliz". Se quedaron atónitos. Yo en ese momento no tenía pareja y lo que se esperaba de mi, era que me juntara o me casara y, tuviera descendencia. Iba a los restaurantes con mis padres y nos sentábamos en una mesa de cuatro personas y, se me caían las lágrimas y les decía: "aquí falta alguien". Así un día decidí llamar al Instituto Cefer y pese al terrible miedo al ginecólogo, saqué cita. El doctor Marina Avendaño, mi ginecólogo el doctor Javier García-Parra y la doctora Flor Molfino junto con mis padres y mi hermano, son las personas, que con permiso de mi preciosa hija Rebeca, han logrado lo que yo quería; ser madre. El doctor Javier García-Parra, consiguió que se produjera el milagro y con mucho amor y respeto, también mitigó mi miedo al ginecólogo, al menos durante un tiempo. Para mi, no hay nadie mejor. Un ginecólogo como la copa de un pino. Por lo que respecta al doctor Marina Avendaño, elegió a mi donante y, no puedo decir más que "hizo pleno al quince". Mi niña es grandota, rubia, ojos azules, piel blanquita... no sé.. una muñeca, una niña de anuncio. Por lo que respecta a la Doctora Molfino, ella puso la semillita el día que me hicieron la IA y, se sorprenderán; a la primera, quedé embarazada. Mi familia, que estuvo apoyándome ese día y hasta el final. Todos hemos hecho nuestra parte y, un feliz día de septiembre nació mi princesa. Si bien es cierto que no conozco a su padre ni lo conoceré jamás, desde aquí y donde esté le doy las gracias por su acto de generosidad. He hecho inmensamente feliz a muchas personas. Mi hija tiene algo en los ojos que irradia ternura, amor, es cariñosa, buena... en fin. Es lo mejor que he hecho en el mundo y lo volvería a hacer, sobretodo de la mano de todas estas personas y profesionales que he mencionado. Pasé un embarazo estupendo, una cesárea estupenda y pese a lo feliz que estaba, luego vino algo de bajón. Idealicé un montón la maternidad y, supe realmente lo que era una "vida dura". Pese a ello, todo surgía con naturalidad, los días y, sobretodo las noches iban pasando y tras cinco años, me acuerdo con emoción de cada momento que viví en Cefer, durante mi embarazo, las canciones que he inventado para mi princesita, lo mucho que duele y lo maravilloso que te dan. Todo compensa con un "mama guapa", "mama buena", mama te quiero". La duda que podáis tener, dejarla atrás. Dar vida, guiar a una criaturita, ver sus fotos, sus recuerdos y ver como anda contigo el camino de la vida, es lo más bonito del mundo. Siento que me dieron a la niña más bonita del catálogo y a la más princesita de los cuentos. Acabo dando las gracias.
Maria Paz

Cara Flor,
Tuesday 6 February is born Mario. This benissimo ed è un maraviglioso bambino.
Ti vogliamo ringraziare tanto, con gran esteem e affetto, per averci aiutato a portare a compimento esta maravigliosa adventura.
Rosella e Luca

My baby was born yesterday, she is a beautiful girl who has weighed 2.5 kg and who keeps me awake tonight while she sleeps in my arms. Today I am sure that going to CEFER to help me fulfill my dream of being a mother is probably the best decision I have made so far. During this time there have been difficult moments in which I have always felt supported by the CEFER team, and those that now, looking at my baby, I can hardly remember.
Thank you for everything!!!

Thanks to CEFER
After a while we decided to contact CEFER. It has been a very gratifying, very enriching experience and best of all, it has given us the best gift in the world.

I don't know you, nor do you know me.
I don't know who you are, they just give me some physical information. Surely you are a beautiful person if you have done what you have done. I don't care if you received financial compensation, if you wanted it for your enrollment or the end-of-year trip, that doesn't stain the beautiful act you've had with me, a stranger. You may think you know what you've done but believe me that you are not aware You know that you have helped another woman who may or may not have gotten pregnant.
Surely because of your youth you do not give it much importance, you take it for granted that having a child is always easy, the most natural thing in the world and You probably haven't even considered having your own family yet. I don't even want to show you motherhood as a long and tortuous road with a lot of suffering like the one I've had, but for some women it's what we've had.
It cost me a lot accepting that my children would never be with my ovules, for months my head was a sea of ​​doubts.
When you finally accept it after the treatment you face the call again with the news, sometimes fateful and sometimes wonderful. Tears are always present, whether for better or for worse.
This time it has been for the better and I repeat that you cannot imagine what you have done. Maybe one day you will understand better and you will be more aware of the importance of your act. I hope it doesn't cost you as much as it did me, but maybe that's why I'm happier now, now I don't care what I've been through, it's been worth it and I wonder because he gave so much importance to the fact that they were not my ovules, what does it matter. Touch makes love, they say. I have a baby on the way, I carry it inside and I know it. No one will make me doubt, it is mine and I will love it as such.
I want to ask the doctor for your first name, just the name, because if what I carry in my womb is a girl, I want to carry it all its life.
I cannot personally thank you as you deserve, that's why I am writing here, I thank you and all the donors who make it possible for other women to continue our lives as we have dreamed of.
Thank you

This is our story:
We are Cristina and Cristina :-), we have been together for some time now and we were really looking forward to expanding our family. We were looking for a clinic that offered us a close and warm treatment, since the process could be difficult (well, that's what I wanted, the other Cristina preferred a clinic with good statistics :-P, it's the rational part of the relationship hehe). We chose CEFER because it was the clinic that gave us that combination, seriousness and warmth. In October 2015 we were finally able to do our first InVitro, after many analyzes and tests (my thyroid made it difficult for us because it had not fully stabilized...) and after all the treatment (from my partner for ovarian stimulation and mine to prepare to stop menstruation and prepare the endometrium; since we chose the ROPA method). Luckily the stimulation went very well (poor Cris...she had about 18 follicles!! She was extremely swollen and in a lot of pain, but it was good news!). We were able to have 9 embryos and they were growing very well. It was one good news after another! The first time we didn't get pregnant, we had talked about it a lot: that it was very difficult...that people try a lot...but it's always difficult when they tell you that you're not. In February 2016 we were, the second time! It was a very very happy moment, now everything began for real! The pregnancy went perfectly, I felt great. We only had a scare in the triple screening, there was a high risk of chromosomal problems, so we had to have a biopsy done, with the risk of miscarriage that this entails... but luckily we had no problem and the results were also positive. after a pretty good pregnancy, with all the typical pregnancy things of course (back pain, insomnia...burning, hehehe, come on, great XD) on October 26, at exactly 40 weeks! we had Gal.la with us! Now she is 3 months old and we are very happy to have her with us!!!
Cristina and Cristina

Thanks to all the CEFER team. You have changed our lives by helping us bring Judith into the world

Att. Dra Molfino and team
To you especially, but also to the entire team, thank you very much for receiving us every day with a smile and helping us make our dream come true. After many years and several attempts, today I can see my dream come true and in a few months I will have my two pretty princesses by my side. Thank you once again for making this possible.

Dear Dr. Jové:
Thank you very much for this small miracle... and for your seriousness and monitoring

Dear friends of Cefer,
Dear Doctor Flor Molino,
We want to thank you very much for your help in our case, since the whole process gave us the chance to meet in person in Barcelona, ​​culminating in the birth last 4 April of our daughter Anne Marie.
We want to send you our most cordial "thank you" and wish you to continue having the success that you have been building and that you deserve.
Marco - Daniela

Good afternoon
A year ago my partner and I started a new phase of our lives. And we would like to thank you for the treatment received, especially Dr. Molfino, and introduce you to our two little princes.
Thank you
Best regards

I tested over the weekend and the news is good. See attached test results! I am pregnant! I am going to my doctor today for my blood test.
Thank you for everything. Hopefully it will all work out.
Many thanks, Mary

Dr. Molfino:
Thank you very much for making my dream "to be a mother" come true. We will always carry you in our hearts.
Kisses. Yolanda S.

Att. Dra. Molfino
Thank you for helping us to have such precious fills.

Att. Dr. Jové
You and your team made our dreams come true, filling our lives with smiles and illusion.
You will always be in our hearts.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Greetings, I hope you are very well.
Two years ago my husband and I underwent all the treatment with you to have a baby and thanks to your fabulous team and especially Dr. Garcia I fell pregnant with a wonderful baby named Carlota.
We wish you and your team a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

I am writing to inform you that last June 14th our daughter Natalia was born. She is a healthy girl, who weighed 3,600 at birth.
Thank you very much for everything.
A hug,

Hello Dr. Jové, I am Esther, the daughter of Patricia and Rafael, my due date was November 6 but last night I was born by caesarean section since I was in the breech position and I did not want to turn around, I was more comfortable like this... I weighed 2,920kg and my parents are very happy and in love with me.
Thank you very much for everything!!
We send you lots of hugs and kisses!!!

How is everything??? We are very happy with our Joan! It will be 1 year on October 21!!!! Without a doubt the best year of our lives and the one that has passed us by the fastest.
Marta and Laura

Cara Dott.ra Redondo,
Volevamo aggiornarla sulla buon procedimento della gravidanza, siamo alla 35 settimana, è una femmina, cresce bene ed è già in posizione cefalica.
Data presunta del parto 15 luglio. Vi faremo avere notizie dopo la nascita della piccola Sofia. Due nostre amiche sono venute a visita con lei al Cefer su nostro consiglio e hanno avuto un'ottima impressione, speriamo bene anche per loro!
Un abbraccio grande e Buon Lavoro

Chers Docteurs,
Nous sommes heureuses de vous annoncer la naissance de notre fille le 1er Mai à 9h50 en bonne santé. Son frère Nael se joint à nous pour exprimer sa joie d'avoir une petite soeur.
Nous vous remercions chaleureusement pour votre assistance et les efforts fournis par l'équipe médicale.
Bien cordialement

Aurora e Marco
Ciao Dott.ssa Flor e tutti voi!
Come state? Noi molto bene e cresciamo tanto!!!! Abbiamo quasi 4 mesi e siamo piu' di 5 kg!!!!! Sperando di farvi cosa gradita!
Un abbraccio a te, alla Dott.ssa Monica e a tutti voi da Loredana