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Study of female sterility

At Cefer we have the experience and knowledge for a complete study of female sterility

In order to stay pregnant, both the male and female reproductive systems must function properly without physical, chemical or immunological obstacles.

Once the egg is fertilized and converted into an embryo, it must travel through the tube to the mucosa of the uterus, or endometrium. This must be prepared to allow the implantation and development of the embryo. That is when pregnancy occurs.

Causes that can hinder this process

Ovarian factor

These are abnormalities in the menstrual cycle, such as ovaries that do not function due to natural causes, or that are rendered useless or removed due to disease.

Menopause (early or not)

The oocyte quality correlates with the age of the woman. In other words, age indicates the expected probabilities of pregnancy


Disease that, among other things, impairs the quality of the oocytes

Polycystic ovary

(You do not ovulate properly) or hyperprolactinemia, which excessively secretes prolactin are other examples of ovarian factor

Tubal obstruction

Also known as tubal obstruction, with or without fluid (hydrosalpinx), often of an inflammatory type. It is overcome by performing an in vitro fertilization.

Cervical factor

The cervix presents a hostile environment, with thick mucus, acid or inflammatory substances for sperm. The solution? intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization.

Uterine factor

Generally caused by an immature or underdeveloped endometrium. It can also occur due to the presence of internal tumors such as polyps or submucous fibroids, or the existence of uterine malformations, which in many cases are not noticeable on routine gynecological examination.

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